O-RAN Global PlugFest: Fall 2024 (old)

The Asia & Pacific OTIC in Singapore (APOS) is hosting the O-RAN Global PlugFest Fall 2024 from 19 August to 22 November 2024 (including the week for O-RAN internal presentations and demonstrations). Testing at the APOS site will focus on the following high-level scope items.

  • Demonstrate consistent and repeatable open fronthaul testing in multiple labs
    • O-RU Conformance / O-DU Conformance / WG4 IOT
  • O-RAN Energy Consumption, Efficiency and Savings Testing
    • O-RU Energy Savings / O-DU Energy Savings / E2E Energy Savings
    • Non-RT RIC / Near-RT RIC

Participation in the Global PlugFest is available to all O-RAN Members. Registration for the event is through the O-RAN ALLIANCE organization.

PlugFest Themes
1. Demonstrate consistent and repeatable open fronthaul testing in multiple labs
2. O-RAN Energy Consumption, Efficiency and Savings Testing

Lab Site
The PlugFest testing will be held at the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), located at 8 Somapah Rd, Singapore 487372.

The PlugFest is anticipated to function in a hybrid model, including both remote and on-site participants. The Asia & Pacific OTIC in Singapore anticipates the majority of this time will be allocated to staging and integration work, with remote participation and support from the participants. 

Participants should make hotel and transportation arrangements (if necessary).
For local hotel recommendation, please email to otic@sutd.edu.sg.
Directions to SUTD are provided here.

Equipment Shipping Details
Companies shipping equipment to the Asia & Pacific OTIC in Singapore are required to cover all shipping and customs/duties costs.

The following shipping address MUST be used:
Singapore University of Technology and Design
Attn: Ngo Van Mao  / O-RAN Global Fall Plugfest 2024
8 Somapah Road, Singapore 487372
Blk 2 Level 3, 2.301
Future Communications and Connectivity Lab (FCCLab)
Tel: +65 6499 4529

No collect shipments will be accepted, and all shipping fees, including Singapore Customs charges, are the responsibility of the shipper. Asia & Pacific OTIC in Singapore will NOT pay for Singapore Customs charges, and prepayment of Customs charges is required.

Please remember that international shipments must be cleared through Singapore Customs and to account in the additional time for shipping.

For more details on Singapore import and export regulations, refer to https://www.customs.gov.sg/businesses/overview/.

SUTD Host Capabilities
The Asia & Pacific OTIC in Singapore located in the SUTD campus offers a secured, safe, and conducive environment for operators and vendors to collaborate, test and optimize vendors’ O-RAN solutions while ensuring each operator’s and vendor’s confidential information and IPRs are well protected as they operate in the OTIC lab facility either through on site or remote activities.

The Asia & Pacific OTIC in Singapore lab is equipped with the following list of test equipment.

  • Multi-UEs emulator (Keysight UeSIM)
  • O-RUs emulator with embedded multi-UEs emulation (Keysight RuSIM)
  • Mobile Core network emulator (Keysight CoreSIM)
  • 3GPP Security Assurance Specifications (SCAS) test modules (Keysight O-RAN Security Test Suite)
  • DDoS attacks emulator (Keysight O-RAN Security Test Suite)
  • Cloud attacks emulator (Keysight O-RAN Security Test Suite)
  • Vulnerability and Port Scanning solution (Keysight O-RAN Security Test Suite)
  • Test Automation (Keysight Test Automation Framework)
  • Time Synch Analyzer, O-DU Emulator (Keysight O-RU Conformance Test Suite)
  • Multi Transceiver RF Test Set: Signal Generator, Spectrum Analyzer (Keysight O-RU Conformance Test Suite)
  • Network Emulator 3—NE3 (Keysight O-RU Conformance Test Suite)
  • RAN simulator for RIC and xApp/rApp test (from VIAVI)
  • Test devices (handsets, CPEs etc.)
  • Network switches
  • Optical transceiver modules and breakout cables up to 100G
  • Fiber optical network tap
  • Timing and sync equipment GPS, PTP grandmaster etc
  • Mobile testing tool (TEMS Pocket and TEMS Discovery from Infovista)
  • Shield room and Faraday cage for testing FR1
  • O-RU conformance test equipment
  • Energy efficiency test equipment: AC Power Analyzer, DC Advance Power System, and Keysight E-Plane Test Suite
  • NTN simulation for UE test

The Asia & Pacific OTIC in Singapore offers world-class testing services in a laboratory environment focusing in the following areas:

  • Security testing of multi-vendors O-RAN solutions: this capability will be developed in three phases
    • Phase 1: O-RAN recommended security testing (including gNB, O-DU, O-CU, Fronthaul Gateway, O-Cloud)
    • Phase 2: Integrated testing for specific application vertical
    • Phase 3: Advanced security testing for Near and Non-Real-time RIC / xApps / rApps / SMO
  • Energy efficiency is a key sustainability goal for companies around the world. Singapore has charted its Net Zero future as it has committed to achieve net zero emissions by 2050 with significant reduction in emissions by 2030. The Asia & Pacific OTIC in Singapore plans to enable testing and optimization of AI/ML enabled network energy efficiency and energy savings techniques for real world networks in its lab.
  • Application verticals that are critical for Singapore and the region. Singapore is a world leader in maritime, and the continued growth of this industry is important for Asia Pacific region. The first vertical that our OTIC plans to focus on, hence, is the maritime vertical. There is a planned maritime operational technology testbed in SUTD and the co-location of these two labs in the same building in the SUTD campus will contribute to the development of testing and integration capability for this application vertical.

SUTD Rules and Regulations

Participants granted access to any SUTD sites for the Global PlugFest shall abide by, all applicable regulations and codes of conduct of the University relating to the management of University sites and premises, including (without limitation) site administration, safety and security.


  • Where access to a facility is restricted, such as by a card access or lock, participants are not authorized to allow entry to people who do not have authorization for access to that facility. This means that participants are not allowed to unlock the facility or provide entry for someone else.
  • Participants will have to be escorted by a FCCLab staff during the course of their visit.


  • Maintain competency for your role, engage only in activities when competent to do so and seek advice if you do not feel competent to carry out the work.
  • Always consider the health and safety of others who may be working and/or using in the same or adjacent area / equipment.


  • All data/information stored in the University’s Information Systems is the property of University, and is considered confidential.
  • Participants should also comply with the SUTD Personal Data Protection Policy. If there is a need for any content to be downloaded, please approach the staff working on Asia & Pacific OTIC in Singapore.