
Year 2024
  1. Zhu, H., Jiang, W., Hong, Q., & Guo, Z. (2024). When In-Network Computing Meets Distributed Machine Learning. IEEE Network.
  2. Zhao, K., Kang, Q., Song, Y., She, R., Wang, S., & Tay, W. P. (2024). Adversarial robustness in graph neural networks: A Hamiltonian approach. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems36.
  3. Yang, Z., Guan, Y. L., Fang, Y., & Lv, L. (2024). Capacity, Convergence and Complexity Improvements for LDPC-Coded MIMO-VLC Systems with Generalized Spatial Modulation. IEEE Transactions on Communications.
  4. Gupta, M., Kumar, A., Pitchappa, P., Tan, Y. J., Szriftgiser, P., Ducournau, G., & Singh, R. (2024). 150 Gbps THz Chipscale Topological Photonic Diplexer. Advanced Materials, 2309497.
  5. Wang, D., Cao, Y., Lam, K. Y., Hu, Y., & Kaiwartya, O. (2024). Authentication and Key Agreement Based On Three Factors and PUF for UAVs-Assisted Post-Disaster Emergency Communication. IEEE Internet of Things Journal.
  6. Kang, Q., Zhao, K., Song, Y., Xie, Y., Zhao, Y., Wang, S., … & Tay, W. P. (2024). Coupling Graph Neural Networks with Fractional Order Continuous Dynamics: A Robustness Study. arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.04331.
  7. Yang, Z., Ge, Y., Zhao, Y., Fang, Y., & Guan, Y. L. (2024). Protograph LDPC Code and Shaped Index Modulation Design for Multi-Mode OAM Systems. IEEE Transactions on Communications.
  8. Shi, Y., Lian, B., Zeng, Y., & Kurniawan, E. (2024). Robust Loop-closure Algorithm based on GNSS Raw Data for Large-scale and Complex Environments. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
  9. Lotfi, I., Du, H., Niyato, D., Sun, S., & Kim, D. I. (2023). On the Robustness of Channel Allocation in Joint Radar and Communication Systems: An Auction Approach. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing23(4), 3466-3483.
Year 2023
  1. Wang, J., Du, H., Tian, Z., Niyato, D., Kang, J., & Shen, X. (2023). Semantic-aware sensing information transmission for metaverse: A contest theoretic approach. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.
  2. Zhao, Y., Wang, Z., Lu, Y., & Guan, Y. L. (2023). Multi-mode OAM Convergent Transmission with Co-divergent Angle Tailored by Airy Wavefront. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation.
  3. Chen, Q., Meng, W., Han, S., Li, C., & Quek, T. Q. (2023). Coverage Analysis of SAGIN With Sectorized Beam Pattern Under Shadowed-Rician Fading Channels. IEEE Transactions on Communications.
  4. Chen, Z., Zeng, Q., Chen, S., Li, M., Wang, M., Jia, Y., & Quek, T. Q. (2023). Improving the Timeliness of Two-Source Status Update Systems in Internet of Vehicles With Source-Dedicated Buffer: Resource Allocation. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
  5. Gong, S., Xing, C., Liu, H., Zhao, X., Wang, J., An, J., & Quek, T. Q. (2023). Hardware-Impaired RIS-Assisted mmWave Hybrid Systems: Beamforming Design and Performance Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Communications71(4), 2317-2334.
  6. Han, Y., Jin, S., Matthaiou, M., Quek, T. Q., & Wen, C. K. (2023). Towards Extra Large-Scale MIMO: New Channel Properties and Low-Cost Designs. IEEE Internet of Things Journal.
  7. Liu, D., Wang, J., Li, Y., Han, Y., Ding, R., Zhang, J., … & Quek, T. Q. (2023). Location-Based Visible Region Recognition in Extra-Large Massive MIMO Systems. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
  8. Nan, G., Li, Z., Zhai, J., Cui, Q., Chen, G., Du, X., … & Quek, T. Q. (2023). Physical-layer Adversarial Robustness for Deep Learning-based Semantic Communications. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications.
  9. Sun, H., Zhao, Z., Cheng, H., Lyu, J., Wang, X., Zhang, Y., & Quek, T. Q. (2023). IRS-Assisted RF-powered IoT Networks: System Modeling and Performance Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Communications.
  10. Wang, T., Huang, N., Wu, Y., Gao, J., & Quek, T. Q. (2023). Latency Oriented Secure Wireless Federated Learning: A Channel-Sharing Approach with Artificial Jamming. IEEE Internet of Things Journal.
  11. You, C., Guo, K., Feng, G., Yang, P., & Quek, T. Q. (2023). Automated federated learning in mobile edge networks—fast adaptation and convergence. IEEE Internet of Things Journal.
  12. Wu, H., Nie, J., Xiong, Z., Cai, Z., Zhou, T., Yuen, C., & Niyato, D. (2023). A Game-based Incentive-driven Offloading Framework for Dispersed Computing. IEEE Transactions on Communications.
  13. Du, H., Wang, J., Niyato, D., Kang, J., Xiong, Z., & Kim, D. I. (2023). AI-generated incentive mechanism and full-duplex semantic communications for information sharing. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications.
  14. Du, H., Liu, J., Niyato, D., Kang, J., Xiong, Z., Zhang, J., & Kim, D. I. (2023). Attention-aware resource allocation and QoE analysis for metaverse xURLLC services. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications.
  15. Yuan, Y., Guo, K., Xiong, Z., & Quek, T. Q. (2023). Joint Network Topology Inference via Structural Fusion Regularization. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering.
  16. Du, H., Wang, J., Niyato, D., Kang, J., Xiong, Z., Guizani, M., & Kim, D. I. (2023). Rethinking wireless communication security in semantic Internet of Things. IEEE Wireless Communications30(3), 36-43.
  17. Jiang, W., Xiong, P., Nie, J., Ding, Z., Pan, C., & Xiong, Z. (2023). Robust Design of IRS-Aided Multi-group Multicast System with Imperfect CSI. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.
  18. Du, H., Wang, J., Niyato, D., Kang, J., Xiong, Z., Zhang, J., & Shen, X. (2023). Semantic communications for wireless sensing: RIS-aided encoding and self-supervised decoding. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications.
  19. Zhang, Y., Zhang, F., Li, H., Zhang, S., & Du, X. (2023, April). CompressStreamDB: fine-grained adaptive stream processing without decompression. In 2023 IEEE 39th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE) (pp. 408-422). IEEE.
  20. Mao, Y., Zhao, J., Zhang, S., Liu, H., & Markl, V. (2023). MorphStream: Adaptive Scheduling for Scalable Transactional Stream Processing on Multicores. Proceedings of the ACM on Management of Data1(1), 1-26.
  21. Zhang, S., Soto, J., & Markl, V. (2023). A survey on transactional stream processing. The VLDB Journal, 1-29.
  22. Zeng, X., & Zhang, S. (2023). Parallelizing Stream Compression for IoT Applications on Asymmetric Multicores. In 2023 IEEE 39th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE). IEEE.
  23. Wang, X., Wang, Z., Wu, Z., Zhang, S., Shi, X., & Lu, L. (2023). Data Stream Clustering: An In-depth Empirical Study. Proceedings of the ACM on Management of Data1(2), 1-26.
  24. Wang, P., Sourav, S., Li, H., & Chen, B. (2023, May). One Pass is Sufficient: A Solver for Minimizing Data Delivery Time over Time-varying Networks. In IEEE INFOCOM 2023-IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (pp. 1-10). IEEE.
  25. Lin, W., Tan, H. C., Chen, B., & Zhang, F. (2023, June). DNAttest: Digital-twin-based Non-intrusive Attestation under Transient Uncertainty. In 2023 53rd Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN) (pp. 376-388). IEEE.
  26. Guo, Z., Dou, S., Jiang, W., & Xia, Y. (2023). Toward Improved Path Programmability Recovery for Software-Defined WANs Under Multiple Controller Failures. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking.
  27. Chen, J., Kang, J., Xu, M., Xiong, Z., Niyato, D., & Tong, Y. (2023, April). Multiple-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Avatar Migration in Vehicular Metaverses. In Companion Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2023 (pp. 1258-1265).
  28. Dong, Y., Boon, C. C., Liu, Z., & Yang, K. (2023). A Dual-Path Subsampling PLL With Ring VCO Phase Noise Suppression. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques.
  29. Zhang, W., Wang, Z., & Tay, W. P. (2023). Approximate Maximum-Likelihood RIS-Aided Positioning. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.
  30. Ji, F., Tay, W. P., & Ortega, A. (2023). Graph signal processing over a probability space of shift operators. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing71, 1159-1174.
  31. Wang, S., Kang, Q., She, R., Wang, W., Zhao, K., Song, Y., & Tay, W. P. (2023). HypLiLoc: Towards Effective LiDAR Pose Regression with Hyperbolic Fusion. In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (pp. 5176-5185).
  32. Ji, F., Lee, S. H., Meng, H., Zhao, K., Yang, J., & Tay, W. P. (2023). Leveraging label non-uniformity for node classification in graph neural networks. arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.00139.
  33. Kang, Q., Zhao, K., Song, Y., Wang, S., & Tay, W. P. (2023). Node Embedding from Neural Hamiltonian Orbits in Graph Neural Networks. arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.18965.
  34. Zhang, S., Lam, K. Y., Shen, B., Wang, L., & Li, F. (2023). Dynamic spectrum access for Internet-of-Things with hierarchical federated deep reinforcement learning. Ad Hoc Networks149, 103257.
  35. Wang, S., Kang, Q., She, R., Tay, W. P., Hartmannsgruber, A., & Navarro, D. N. (2023, June). RobustLoc: Robust camera pose regression in challenging driving environments. In Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (Vol. 37, No. 5, pp. 6209-6216).
  36. Yu, X., Noor-A-Rahim, M., Guan, Y. L., Deng, L., Yang, Z., & Shi, Z. (2023). Design of Rate-Compatible Anytime Codes Based on Spatially Coupled Repeat-Accumulate Codes. IEEE Transactions on Communications.
  37. Wang, T., Ning, H., Wu, Y., & Quek, T. Q. (2023). Energy-Efficient Wireless Federated Learning: A Secrecy Oriented Design via Sequential Artificial Jamming. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
  38. Zhao, K., Kang, Q., Song, Y., She, R., Wang, S., & Tay, W. P. (2023). Graph neural convection-diffusion with heterophily. arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.16780.
  39. Chen, M., Chen, R., Zhao, Y., Yang, Z., & Guan, Y. L. (2023). Index-Modulation OAM Detectors Resistant to Beam Misalignment. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
  40. Wang, J., Jiang, W., Jiang, W., & Liu, R. (2023, May). Demo Abstract: Using Neural Networks as Modulators for IoT Gateways. In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (pp. 372-373).
  41. Chen, Z., Deng, D., Yang, H. H., Pappas, N., Hu, L., Jia, Y., … & Quek, T. Q. (2023). Analysis of age of information in dual updating systems. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.
  42. Dou, C., Huang, N., Wu, Y., Qian, L., & Quek, T. Q. (2023). Sensing-efficient NOMA-aided integrated sensing and communication: A joint sensing scheduling and beamforming optimization. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
  43. Fu, C. W., Ku, M. L., Chen, Y. J., & Quek, T. Q. (2023). UAV Trajectory, User Association and Power Control for Multi-UAV Enabled Energy Harvesting Communications: Offline Design and Online Reinforcement Learning. IEEE Internet of Things Journal.
  44. Song, M., Shan, H., Fu, Y., Yang, H. H., Hou, F., Wang, W., & Quek, T. Q. (2023). Joint user-side recommendation and D2D-assisted offloading for cache-enabled cellular networks with mobility consideration. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.
  45. Liew, Z. Q., Du, H., Lim, W. Y. B., Xiong, Z., Niyato, D., Miao, C., & Kim, D. I. (2023). Economics of semantic communication system: An auction approach. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
  46. Yang, W., Chi, X., Zhao, L., Xiong, Z., & Jiang, W. (2023). Task-driven semantic-aware green cooperative transmission strategy for vehicular networks. IEEE Transactions on Communications.
  47. Liew, Z. Q., Xu, M., Lim, W. Y. B., Xiong, Z., Niyato, D., & Kim, D. I. (2023). Mechanism Design for Semantic Communication in UAV-Assisted Metaverse: A Combinatorial Auction Approach. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
  48. Cao, Y., Maghsudi, S., Ohtsuki, T., & Quek, T. Q. (2023). Mobility-Aware Routing and Caching in Small Cell Networks using Federated Learning. IEEE Transactions on Communications.
  49. Chen, Z., Yang, H. H., & Quek, T. Q. (2023). Edge intelligence over the air: Two faces of interference in federated learning. IEEE Communications Magazine.
  50. Feng, C., Yang, Q., Quek, T. Q., Wu, W., & Guo, K. (2023). Spatially-Temporally Collaborative Service Placement and Task Scheduling in MEC Networks. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
  51. Feng, C., Yang, H. H., Wang, S., Zhao, Z., & Quek, T. Q. (2023). Hybrid Learning: When Centralized Learning Meets Federated Learning in the Mobile Edge Computing Systems. IEEE Transactions on Communications.
  52. Liu, X., Lin, M., Tan, M., Guo, H., Ouyang, J., & Quek, T. Q. (2023). Location-Based Downlink Transmission Scheme for IRS-Aided Integrated Satellite-Terrestrial Networks. IEEE Transactions on Communications.
  53. Wang, S., Mei, L., Yin, Z., Li, H., Liu, R., Jiang, W., & Lu, C. X. (2023). End-to-End Target Liveness Detection via mmWave Radar and Vision Fusion for Autonomous Vehicles. ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks.
  54. Li, Y., Wang, S., Chi, C. Y., & Quek, T. Q. (2023). Differentially private federated clustering over non-IID data. IEEE Internet of Things Journal.
  55. Wang, W., Luo, C., An, J., Gan, L., Liao, H., & Yuen, C. (2023). Semi-supervised RF fingerprinting with consistency-based regularization. IEEE Internet of Things Journal.
  56. Wang, S., Xu, Y., Yuan, Y., & Quek, T. Q. (2023). Towards fast personalized semi-supervised federated learning in edge networks: Algorithm design and theoretical guarantee. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.
  57. Xu, B., Xia, W., Zhao, H., Zhu, Y., Sun, X., & Quek, T. Q. (2023). Clustered federated learning in internet of things: Convergence analysis and resource optimization. IEEE Internet of Things Journal.
  58. Zheng, J., Ni, W., Tian, H., Gündüz, D., Quek, T. Q., & Han, Z. (2023). Semi-federated learning: Convergence analysis and optimization of a hybrid learning framework. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.
  59. Wang, M., Wei, S., Shi, J., Zhang, X., & Guo, Y. (2023). 3-D SAR Imaging via Perceptual Learning Framework With Adaptive Sparse Prior. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing61, 1-16.
  60. Tian, X., Chang, T., Guo, Y., & Cui, H. L. (2023). A Novel Time Domain Model for Permittivity and Thickness Measurement. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.
  61. Sui, Z., Yan, S., Zhang, H., Sun, S., Zeng, Y., Yang, L. L., & Hanzo, L. (2023). Performance analysis and approximate message passing detection of orthogonal time sequency multiplexing modulation. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.
  62. Hu, J., Chen, Z., Zheng, T., Schober, R., & Luo, J. (2023). HoloFed: Environment-Adaptive Positioning via Multi-band Reconfigurable Holographic Surfaces and Federated Learning. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications.
  63. Zhao, Y., Guan, Y. L., Ismail, A. M., Ju, G., Lin, D., Lu, Y., & Yuen, C. (2023). Holographic-Inspired Meta-Surfaces Exploiting Vortex Beams for Low-Interference Multi-Pair IoT Communications: From Theory to Prototype. IEEE Internet of Things Journal.
  64. Xu, M., Niyato, D., Zhang, H., Kang, J., Xiong, Z., Mao, S., & Han, Z. (2023). Sparks of generative pretrained transformers in edge intelligence for the metaverse: Caching and inference for mobile artificial intelligence-generated content services. IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine.
  65. Xu, M., Niyato, D., Chen, J., Zhang, H., Kang, J., Xiong, Z., … & Han, Z. (2023). Generative AI-empowered simulation for autonomous driving in vehicular mixed reality metaverses. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing.
  66. Vishwakarma, N., Swaminathan, R., Diamantoulakis, P. D., & Karagiannidis, G. K. (2023). Performance Analysis of Optical Reflecting Surface-Assisted Optical Space Shift Keying-Based MIMO-FSO System. IEEE Transactions on Communications.
Year 2022
  1. Chen, Z., Liu, S., Jia, Y., Wang, M., & Quek, T. Q. (2022). A Novel Hybrid Duplex Scheme for Relay Channel: Joint Optimization of Full-Duplex Duty Cycle and Source Power Allocation. IEEE Transactions on Communications70(4), 2435-2450.
  2. Fu, Y., Zhang, Y., Zhu, Q., Chen, M., & Quek, T. Q. (2022). Joint Content Caching, Recommendation, and Transmission Optimization for Next Generation Multiple Access Networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications40(5), 1600-1614.
  3. Sun, C., Cai, K., Song, G., Quek, T. Q., & Fei, Z. (2022). Belief Propagation based Joint Detection and Decoding for Resistive Random Access Memories. IEEE Transactions on Communications70(4), 2227-2239.
  4. Zhang, Y., He, Y., Wang, X., Sun, H., & Quek, T. Q. (2022). Modeling and Performance Analysis of Statistical Priority-based Multiple Access: A Stochastic Geometry Approach. IEEE Internet of Things Journal.
  5. Han, Y., Jin, S., Wen, C. K., & Quek, T. Q. (2022). Localization and Channel Reconstruction for Extra Large RIS-Assisted Massive MIMO Systems. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing.
  6. Lee, H., Lee, S. H., & Quek, T. Q. (2022). MOSAIC: Multi-objective Optimization Strategy for AI-aided Internet-of-Things Communications. IEEE Internet of Things Journal.
  7. Wen, W., Chen, Z., Yang, H. H., Xia, W., & Quek, T. Q. (2022). Joint scheduling and resource allocation for hierarchical federated edge learning. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.
  8. Wu, W., Liu, R., Yang, Q., & Quek, T. Q. (2022). Learning-Based Robust Resource allocation for D2D Underlaying Cellular Network. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.
  9. Wu, Y., Song, Y., Wang, T., Qian, L., & Quek, T. Q. (2022). Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Assisted Federated Learning via Wireless Power Transfer: A Cost-Efficient Approach. IEEE Transactions on Communications70(4), 2853-2869.
  10. Zhang, J., Xu, X., Han, S., Zhang, K., Zhang, P., & Quek, T. Q. (2022). Intelligent Ultra-Reliable and Low Latency Communications: Flexibility and Adaptation. IEEE Internet of Things Journal.
  11. Song, M., Shan, H., Yang, H. H., & Quek, T. Q. (2022). Joint Optimization of Fractional Frequency Reuse and Cell Clustering for Dynamic TDD Small Cell Networks. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.
  12. Yang, H., Lam, K. Y., Xiao, L., Xiong, Z., Hu, H., Niyato, D., & Vincent Poor, H. (2022). Lead federated neuromorphic learning for wireless edge artificial intelligence. Nature communications13(1), 1-12.
  13. Kang, J., Li, X., Nie, J., Liu, Y., Xu, M., Xiong, Z., … & Yan, Q. (2022). Communication-Efficient and Cross-chain Empowered Federated Learning for Artificial Intelligence of Things. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering.
  14. Chen, Q., Meng, W., Quek, T. Q., & Chen, S. (2022). Multi-Tier Hybrid Offloading for Computation-Aware IoT Applications in Civil Aircraft-Augmented SAGIN. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications
  15. Wang, C., Chen, X., An, J., Xiong, Z., Xing, C., Zhao, N., & Niyato, D. (2022). Covert Communication Assisted by UAV-IRS. IEEE Transactions on Communications71(1), 357-369. 
  16. Feng, C., Yang, H. H., Hu, D., Zhao, Z., Quek, T. Q., & Min, G. (2022). Mobility-aware cluster federated learning in hierarchical wireless networks. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications21(10), 8441-8458.
  17. Kang, J., Du, H., Li, Z., Xiong, Z., Ma, S., Niyato, D., & Li, Y. (2022). Personalized saliency in task-oriented semantic communications: Image transmission and performance analysis. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications41(1), 186-201. 
  18. Jiang, Y., Kang, J., Niyato, D., Ge, X., Xiong, Z., Miao, C., & Shen, X. (2022). Reliable distributed computing for metaverse: A hierarchical game-theoretic approach. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
  19. Yang, W., Liew, Z. Q., Lim, W. Y. B., Xiong, Z., Niyato, D., Chi, X., … & Letaief, K. B. (2022). Semantic communication meets edge intelligence. IEEE Wireless Communications29(5), 28-35. 
  20. Wang, Z., Zhang, Z., Tian, Y., Yang, Q., Shan, H., Wang, W., & Quek, T. Q. (2022). Asynchronous federated learning over wireless communication networks. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications21(9), 6961-6978. 
  21. Yang, P., Quek, T. Q., Chen, J., You, C., & Cao, X. (2022). Feeling of presence maximization: mmWave-enabled virtual reality meets deep reinforcement learning. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications21(11), 10005-10019. 
  22. Cheh, C., Tay, N., & Chen, B. (2022, December). From hindsight to foresight: Enhancing design artifacts for business logic flaw discovery. In Proceedings of the 38th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (pp. 400-411).
  23. Wang, F., Jiang, D., Wang, Z., Chen, J., & Quek, T. Q. (2022). Seamless Handover in LEO Based Non-Terrestrial Networks: Service Continuity and Optimization. IEEE Transactions on Communications.
  24. Han, Y., Niyato, D., Leung, C., Kim, D. I., Zhu, K., Feng, S., … & Miao, C. (2022). A dynamic hierarchical framework for iot-assisted digital twin synchronization in the metaverse. IEEE Internet of Things Journal10(1), 268-284.
  25. Xu, M., Ng, W. C., Lim, W. Y. B., Kang, J., Xiong, Z., Niyato, D., … & Miao, C. (2022). A full dive into realizing the edge-enabled metaverse: Visions, enabling technologies, and challenges. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials.
  26. Fan, B., Su, Z., Chen, Y., Wu, Y., Xu, C., & Quek, T. Q. (2022). Ubiquitous control over heterogeneous vehicles: A digital twin empowered edge ai approach. IEEE Wireless Communications.
  27. Huang, N., Dai, M., Wu, Y., Quek, T. Q., & Shen, X. (2022). Wireless Federated Learning with Hybrid Local and Centralized Training: A Latency Minimization Design. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing.
  28. Wang, X., Ren, X., Qiu, C., Xiong, Z., Yao, H., & Leung, V. C. (2022). Integrating edge intelligence and blockchain: What, why, and how. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials.
  29. Chen, Z., Zheng, T., Hu, C., Cao, H., Yang, Y., Jiang, H., & Luo, J. (2022). ISACoT: Integrating Sensing with Data Traffic for Ubiquitous IoT Devices. IEEE Communications Magazine.
  30. Li, Y., Wang, S., Chi, C. Y., & Quek, T. Q. (2022). Differentially Private Federated Learning in Edge Networks: The Perspective of Noise Reduction. IEEE Network36(5), 167-172.
  31. Tong, Y., Li, D., Yang, Z., Xiong, Z., Zhao, N., & Li, Y. (2022). Outage analysis of rate splitting networks with an untrusted user. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
  32. Lim, W. Y. B., Xiong, Z., Niyato, D., Cao, X., Miao, C., Sun, S., & Yang, Q. (2022). Realizing the metaverse with edge intelligence: A match made in heaven. IEEE Wireless Communications.
  33. Fu, Y., Zhang, Y., Wong, A., & Quek, T. Q. (2022). Revenue maximization: The interplay between personalized bundle recommendation and wireless content caching. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing.
  34. Gong, S., Xing, C., Yue, P., Zhao, L., & Quek, T. Q. (2022). Hybrid Analog and Digital Beamforming for RIS-Assisted mmWave Communications. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications22(3), 1537-1554.
  35. Wang, F., Jiang, D., Wang, Z., Chen, J., & Quek, T. Q. (2022). Dynamic Networking for Continuable Transmission Optimization in LEO Satellite Networks. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
  36. Xu, J., Ai, B., & Quek, T. Q. (2022). Towards Interference Suppression: RIS-Aided High-Speed Railway Networks via Deep Reinforcement Learning. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.
  37. You, C., Feng, D., Guo, K., Yang, H. H., Feng, C., & Quek, T. Q. (2022). Semi-synchronous personalized federated learning over mobile edge networks. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.
  38. Wu, H., Zeng, H., Zhou, T., Cai, Z., Xiong, Z., Niyato, D., & Han, Z. (2022). From Eye to Brain: A Proactive and Distributed Crowdsensing Framework for Federated Learning. IEEE Internet of Things Journal10(9), 8202-8214.
  39. Li, J., Xiong, Z., Niyato, D., Su, W., Feng, W., & Jiang, W. (2022). Relay-Assisted Partial Interference Elimination Schemes for K-User Delay-Sensitive Networks. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications22(3), 1633-1647.
  40. Yang, W., Du, H., Liew, Z. Q., Lim, W. Y. B., Xiong, Z., Niyato, D., … & Miao, C. (2022). Semantic communications for future internet: Fundamentals, applications, and challenges. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials.
  41. Wu, Y., Dai, M., Qian, L., Su, Z., Quek, T. Q., & Ng, D. W. K. (2022). SWIPT-empowered sustainable wireless federated learning: Paradigms, challenges, and solutions. IEEE Network.
Year 2021
  1. Feng, C., Zhao, Z., Wang, Y., Quek, T. Q., & Peng, M. (2021). On the Design of Federated Learning in the Mobile Edge Computing Systems. IEEE Transactions on Communications.
  2. Yang, P., Xi, X., Guo, K., Quek, T. Q., Chen, J., & Cao, X. (2021). Proactive UAV Network Slicing for URLLC and Mobile Broadband Service Multiplexing. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications.
  3. Li, L., Siew, M., Chen, Z., & Quek, T. Q. (2021). Optimal Pricing for Job Offloading in the MEC System with Two Priority Classes. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
  4. Liu, A., Yang, R., Quek, T. Q., & Zhao, M. J. (2021). Two-Stage Stochastic Optimization via Primal-Dual Decomposition and Deep Unrolling. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing69, 3000-3015.
  5. Fu, Y., Salaün, L., Yang, X., Wen, W., & Quek, T. Q. (2021). Caching Efficiency Maximization for Device-to-Device Communication Networks: A Recommend to Cache Approach. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.
  6. Fu, Y., Yang, Z., Quek, T. Q., & Yang, H. H. (2021). Towards Cost Minimization for Wireless Caching Networks With Recommendation and Uncharted Users’ Feature Information. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.
  7. Zhao, M., Yu, J., Li, W., Liu, D., Yao, S., Feng, Wei., She, C., & Quek, T. Q. (2021). Energy-Aware Task Offloading and Resource Allocation for Time-Sensitive Services in Mobile Edge Computing Systems. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
  8. Wang, Y., Feng, W., Wang, J., & Quek, T. Q. (2021). Hybrid Satellite-UAV-Terrestrial Networks for 6G Ubiquitous Coverage: A Maritime Communications Perspective. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications.
  9. Han, Y., Jin, S., Li, X., Wen, C. -K., & Quek, T. Q. (2021). Multi-Domain Channel Extrapolation for FDD Massive MIMO Systems. IEEE Transactions on Communications.
  10. He, D., Wang, Z., Quek, T. Q., Chen, S., & Hanzo, L. (2021). Deep Learning-Assisted TeraHertz QPSK Detection Relying on Single-Bit Quantization. IEEE Transactions on Communications.
  11. Chu, Y., Feng, D., Liu, Z., Zhao, Z., Wang, Z., Xia, X. G., & Quek, T. Q. (2021). Hybrid-Learning-Based Operational Visual Quality Inspection for Edge-Computing-Enabled IoT System. IEEE Internet of Things Journal9(7), 4958-4972.
  12. Sun, X., Zhao, F., Yang, H. H., Zhan, W., Wang, X., & Quek, T. Q. (2021). Optimizing age of information in random-access poisson networks. IEEE Internet of Things Journal9(9), 6816-6829.
  13. Yang, H. H., Arafa, A., Quek, T. Q., & Poor, H. V. (2021). Spatiotemporal Analysis for Age of Information in Random Access Networks Under Last-Come First-Serve With Replacement Protocol. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications21(4), 2813-2829.
  14. Yang, H. H., Chen, Z., Quek, T. Q., & Poor, H. V. (2021). Revisiting analog over-the-air machine learning: The blessing and curse of interference. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing16(3), 406-419.
  15. Zhang, X., Chen, Y., Sun, X., Zhu, G., Quek, T. Q., & Zhong, Z. (2021). Uplink-Downlink Duality of Multi-Cell Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Systems. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.
  16. Fu, Y., Yu, Q., Wong, A. K., Shi, Z., Wang, H., & Quek, T. Q. (2021). Exploiting coding and recommendation to improve cache efficiency of reliability-aware wireless edge caching networks. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications20(11), 7243-7256.
  17. Guo, K., Chen, Z., Yang, H. H., & Quek, T. Q. (2021). Dynamic Scheduling for Heterogeneous Federated Learning in Private 5G Edge Networks. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing16(1), 26-40.
  18. Jang, H. S., Lee, H., Quek, T. Q., & Shin, H. (2021). Deep learning-based cellular random access framework. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications20(11), 7503-7518.
  19. Lee, H., Lee, S. H., & Quek, T. Q. (2021). Learning Autonomy in Management of Wireless Random Networks. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications20(12), 8039-8053.
  20. Li, C., She, C., Yang, N., & Quek, T. Q. (2021). Secure transmission rate of short packets with queueing delay requirement. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications21(1), 203-218.
  21. Song, Z., Sun, H., Yang, H. H., Wang, X., Zhang, Y., & Quek, T. Q. (2021). Reputation-based Federated Learning for Secure Wireless Networks. IEEE Internet of Things Journal9(2), 1212-1226.
  22. Wang, X., Fang, M., Xu, C., Yang, H. H., Sun, X., Chen, X., & Quek, T. Q. (2021). When to Preprocess? Keeping Information Fresh for Computing-Enable Internet of Things. IEEE Internet of Things Journal9(6), 4303-4317.
  23. Wu, Y. C., Lin, C., & Quek, T. Q. (2021). A Robust Distributed Hierarchical Online Learning Approach for Dynamic MEC Networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications40(2), 641-656.
  24. Xu, C., Xie, Y., Wang, X., Yang, H. H., Niyato, D., & Quek, T. Q. (2021). Optimal status update for caching enabled IoT networks: A dueling deep R-Network approach. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications20(12), 8438-8454.
  25. Yang, P., Guo, K., Xi, X., Quek, T. Q., Cao, X., & Liu, C. (2021). Fresh, fair and energy-efficient content provision in a private and cache-enabled UAV network. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing16(1), 97-112.
  26. Zhao, Z., Feng, C., Hong, W., Jiang, J., Jia, C., Quek, T. Q., & Peng, M. (2021). Federated learning with non-iid data in wireless networks. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications21(3), 1927-1942.
  27. Song, M., Yang, H. H., Shan, H., Lee, J., & Quek, T. Q. (2021). Age of information in wireless networks: Spatiotemporal analysis and locally adaptive power control. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing.